283. Business Partners, Enemies and Money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an ”enemies’‘ list in my head of people I don’t like, that I believe have somehow wronged me in life and deserve to somehow get revenge from me I commit myself to stop creating secret lists of people I like and don’t likeContinue reading “283. Business Partners, Enemies and Money”

282. Fulfillment

Fulfillment I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel unfilled and unhappy I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe people and environments determine my fulfillment and happiness instead of realizing that by believing in that, I will forever be unhappy/unfilled as external/exterior forces will never beContinue reading “282. Fulfillment”

281. Affection

Affection: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect affection to love, and believe if I do not get/receive affection from others, I am not loved. I realized love is only is but a word and real love is in action/deeds towards self and others as what is best for all.Continue reading “281. Affection”

280. Compliment Me… Make Me Feel Better

Depend on others to give me compliments to make me feel better about myself I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to depend/expect/need people to give me compliments and make me feel better when I am online or when I post something because I have connected that to it making me feel betterContinue reading “280. Compliment Me… Make Me Feel Better”


Do you ever fear others telling you are this and that? Like fear having people say this or that word about you? I discovered the fear of being called ”uptight” recently and decided to open up my relationship to the word here in this blog. Within this is the fear of others defining, seeing andContinue reading “279. UPTIGHT”

273. Facial Appearances and What Really Matters

I was talking to my mom today and she mentioned how she was watching old movies of her and her family — featuring her specifically as a teenager and young adult. She commented that she was surprised by how big (chubby/bloated) her face was, when she was younger (and she made specific gestures to show theContinue reading “273. Facial Appearances and What Really Matters”

271. Standing up to Teenagers?

Today I had to remind two pre-teen girls in front of their friends to clean up the mess they left for a mouse cage they cleaned today at school. It is through the school philosophy the students (and teachers!) need to clean up after themselves. Though the girls basically tried to skirt around doing thisContinue reading “271. Standing up to Teenagers?”

267. Clearing Judgements on People Who Drop out of School

I noticed family programming in me that I accepted and allowed to exist and influence who I am when it comes to career and education… I grew up in a household where education and going to college is important. You basically have no choice and must go to college, or else you will get houndedContinue reading “267. Clearing Judgements on People Who Drop out of School”

263. The Me in Process

I’ve been inspired by Dan’s blog: Self-Agreement and Anna’s Living the Word Me, so will write a similar topic of my own 🙂 ME has also been a word I’ve been using as a bridge-support-word when I see myself in a consciousness mind point, such as backchat, and I want to go into the self-sabotage point ofContinue reading “263. The Me in Process”

260. Walking through Competition

I found a reaction towards people who supposedly seem to copy me/my work and use it for their work. There’s the want to take all the credit, want to be the only one known for something or have done something. But it’s impossible cause when work is shared and open and available people can useContinue reading “260. Walking through Competition”